Digital panel meters typically read an input signal, displaying it within a panel, examples being voltage, current, and resistance. The call comes from a sensor, whose input is converted into digital form and then displayed as a variable, e.g. temperature, pressure, etc.
- Type: Sub Meter Digital Mora KWH Three Phase meter
- AES Series-988
- Brand: Mora
- REGD No: 535130
- 60A Maximum Load
- ct builtin
Package includes:
1 x Sub Meter Digital Mora KWH Three Phase meter
Industryparts.pk is the Online Shopping website for Sub Meter Digital Mora KWH Three Phase meter. Here you get Sub Meter Digital Mora KWH Three Phase meter at a reasonable price in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Quetta, Multan, and all over Pakistan.