The CHNT NXB-63 C32 is a miniature circuit breaker, also known as an MCB. It's a small but important safety device for your electrical system. It protects your circuits from overload and short circuits. An overload happens when too many appliances are plugged into one circuit, and a short circuit is a dangerous surge of electricity. The CHNT NXB-63 C32 is rated for 32 Amps and can handle standard household voltage. It's typically mounted on a DIN rail inside your electrical panel and automatically shuts off power if it detects a problem, helping to prevent electrical fires and damage to your appliances.
Features of CHNT NXB-63 C32 MCB, Air-Switch, Miniature Circuit breaker:
- Thermal-magnetic trip mechanism: Provides protection against overload and short circuits.
- High breaking capacity: Interrupts high short-circuit currents to minimize damage.
- DIN rail mount: Easy installation in standard electrical panels.
- Finger-protected terminals: Ensures safety when handling wires.
- Visual trip indication: Easy identification of tripped circuits. (This feature may not be available on all models, so check the datasheet)
Specifications of CHNT NXB-63 C32 MCB, Air-Switch, Miniature Circuit breaker:
- Ampere rating: 32 Amps (protects circuits up to 32 Amps)
- Voltage rating: Typically 230VAC (check the datasheet for confirmation)
- Number of poles: 3 poles (protects three circuits simultaneously)
- Interrupting rating: Refer to the datasheet for the specific interrupting capacity (e.g., 6kA)
- Size: Actual size varies depending on the model, but miniature circuit breakers are generally much smaller than 9" x 12". They typically range around 1.77" (width) x 3.54" (height) x 2.83" (depth).
- High-quality plastic housing is typical for MCBs.
- Protects electrical circuits in residential and commercial buildings.
- Prevents electrical fires and damage to appliances caused by overload or short circuits.
- Provides a safety feature by automatically shutting off power in case of a fault.
- Improved electrical safety: Reduces the risk of fire and equipment damage.
- Reliable performance: Ensures consistent circuit protection.
- Easy installation: Mounts quickly on a DIN rail.
- Cost-effective solution: Provides long-lasting protection at a reasonable cost.
- Compact size: Fits efficiently within electrical panels (unlike the dimensions mentioned earlier).
Package includes:
- 1x CHNT NXB-63 C32 MCB, Air-Switch, Miniature Circuit breaker is the Best Online Shopping website for CHNT NXB-63 C32 MCB, Air-Switch, and Miniature Circuit breaker. Here you get CHNT NXB-63 C32 MCB, Air-Switch, and Miniature Circuit breaker at a reasonable price in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Quetta, Multan, and all over Pakistan.