Molded case circuit breakers, or MCCBs, are electrical protection devices used to protect the electrical circuit from excessive current, which can cause overloads or short circuits. Molded case circuit breakers can be used for a wide range of voltages and frequencies with adjustable trip settings.
- Number of Poles 4
- Ampere Rating Icu 380-415 VAC : 50kA
Package Includes:
1 x CHINT NXM-630S/4300B 4 POLE 500A MCCB is the Best Online Shopping website for CHINT NXM-630S/4300B 4 POLE 500A MCCB. Here you get CHINT NXM-630S/4300B 4 POLE 500A MCCB at a reasonable price in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Quetta, Multan, and all over Pakistan.