DC circuit breakers refer to circuit breakers used in DC power distribution systems from overcurrent and potential hazards. They perform the following functions: Interrupt the flow of current when it exceeds a predefined threshold. Protect electrical components from damage caused by excessive current.
- Conform to 535130 Standard
- Non-polarized Load Break disconnector
- AES125N/2P
- Max.Operating Voltage:100A,125A
- Terminal Capacity up to 35mm2
- DC 500V- 5KA
- DC 250V- 10KA
MORA DC Breaker MCCB 100A
MORA DC Breaker MCCB 125A
Package Includes:
1 x MORA DC Breaker MCCB For Batteries 2 Pole AES125N is the Best Online Shopping website for MORA DC Breaker MCCB For Batteries 2 Pole AES125N. Here you get MORA DC Breaker MCCB For Batteries 2 Pole AES125N at a reasonable price in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Quetta, Multan, and all over Pakistan.